React Native Alert with Image

Creating an alert with an image in React Native involves a few steps. Here’s a guide with examples on how to achieve this:

Setting Up Your React Native Environment

  1. Install React Native CLI: This can be done using npm with the command npm install -g react-native-cli.
  2. Create a New React Native Project: Use react-native init ProjectName to start a new project.
  3. Navigate to Your Project Directory: Change to your project directory with cd ProjectName.

Creating a Basic Alert

1.Import the Alert API:

Start by importing Alert from React Native.

import { Alert, Button, View, StyleSheet } from 'react-native';
2.Define the Alert Function:

Create a function to display the alert

const showAlert = () => {
  Alert.alert("Alert Title", "This is an alert message");
3.Add a Button to Trigger the Alert:

Place a button in your component’s render method.

<Button title="Show Alert" onPress={showAlert} />

Creating a Custom Alert with an Image

1.Import Necessary Components:

Import Modal, View, Text, Pressable, StyleSheet, and Image from React Native.

2.Set Up State for Modal Visibility:

Use useState to manage the visibility of your custom modal.

3.Create a Modal with an Image:

Design your modal to include an image and style it as needed. Here’s a simplified version:

<Modal visible={modalVisible} transparent={true}>
  <View style={styles.modalView}>
    <Image source={{uri: 'image_url_here'}} style={styles.image} />
    <Text style={styles.text}>This is a custom alert with an image</Text>
    <Pressable onPress={() => setModalVisible(false)}>
4.Add Styles:

Define styles for your modal, image, and other components.

5.Trigger the Custom Alert:

Use a button or another event to change the modalVisible state, thus showing or hiding the custom alert.

Example of Custom Alert with react-native-awesome-alerts

1.Install the Package:

Run npm i react-native-awesome-alerts to install.

2.Import and Use AwesomeAlert:

In your component, import AwesomeAlert and use it to create a customized alert.

import AwesomeAlert from 'react-native-awesome-alerts';

  title="Alert Title"
  message="This is an awesome alert message"
  cancelText="No, cancel"
  confirmText="Yes, delete it"
  onCancelPressed={() => {
  onConfirmPressed={() => {
3.Style and Customize:

You can customize the alert’s appearance, including button colors and text.


By following these steps, you can create both simple and customized alerts in your React Native application. The react-native-awesome-alerts package offers additional flexibility for more complex alerts.

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